Welcome to Spirit Bread
Spiritual Bread for the Spirit Bred
"For God so loved the world that He gave His onlyh begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
(John 3:16 - NKJV)

The most important decision any man, woman, boy, or girl has to make in their lives is not their chosen profession, not who they are going to marry, not where they live or what kind of automobile they are going to drive, but that most important decision is "Where will I spend eternity?" Jesus Christ has paid the price for us to be saved and God the Father has accepted His sacrifice as being enough to pay for the sin of every one of us. But He has left us a choice to make. We will not be automatically saved. It is by our own free choice. To become a Christian is not a hard thing to do.  

Romans 10:9-10 says: ". . . that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." (NKJV)  
Many people claim that they believe in Jesus Christ. But if we really believe then we will act on that belief. We don't believe in something then live as if it weren't really true. When we believe we live our lives accordingly.  
If you believe that Jesus Christ died for your sin and then was raised from the dead so that you might have victory in Him then do these things and you will be saved:  
Confess with your mouth: Confess to the guilt of sin. We are all guilty of sin because none of us can live beyond it. Admit it. Confess that you are a sinner.  
Repent of sin. Repent means to make a conscious decision that you are going to change. We can't change without Christ, but if we confess to Him that we are a sinner then repent to Him saying "Lord, I'm sorry that I'm a sinner. I can't do anything about it myself but I know You can so I repent of my sin," we will be saved.  
Then, the most important part is to believe. Believe that Christ will do this work in you. Know in your heart that if you confess and repent in honest true belief, not just going through the motions or saying the words, but believing them in your heart, then the word of God says you'll be saved from the guilt of sin and you will be justified (just as if you'd never sinned).  
If you do these three simple things in honesty and sincerity you will be saved. It's just the beginning. From there find a congregation where you feel like you can really grow in Christ, read the Bible every day, and look for friends who are Christians. You will grow. You can also email me if you wish to make contact. Just go to the Contact Me page and click on the email link. 
For more help go to our Books age and download our e-book "HELP! I Just Got Saved."